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QSL Card from ISS contact Dec. 2nd 2010 w/ Col. Doug Wheelock
Worked from my mobile w/ FT-857

SSTV IMAGE Recieved FROM ISS 2013 BBS activity on 145.825 +/- doppler shift

MFJ-1270C TNC w/Yaesu FT-897,w/terminal

software by MFJ. Hyperterminal works too.

Running Kenwood TS-2000x w/internal TNC,

ARCP2000 software and Obitron prediction

w/NASA Keplerian elements.

WinAPRS map from 2009, ISS Digi. WA4NVM ISS FM Voice repeater contact

LOCAL ATV NEWS (periodical)12/08.

Click HERE for latest ISS VHF reports.

Click HERE to learn about Amateur Television.

Here is the ISS BBS commands list:

B(ye) B [CR] disconnects you from PMS.

H(elp) H [CR] or ? [CR] displays this help file.

J(log) J [CR] displays a list of call signs heard (optional date/time)

Kill) K n [CR] deletes message number n (only to/from your call sign).

KM(ine) KM[CR] deletes all READ messages addressed to your call sign.

L(ist) L [CR] lists the 10 latest messages.

M(ine) M [CR] lists the 10 latest messages to/from your callsign.

R(ead) R n [CR] reads message number n.

S(end) S (callsign) [CR] begins a message addressed to (callsign).

SB Sends Bulletin

SP Sends Personal

ST Sends Traffic

Subject: ending with [CR].

Text: End each line with [CR]. End message by

typing /ex [CR] or CTRL-Z [CR]

at the beginning of a new line.

SR(eply) SR n[CR] Sends a reply to message n prompting only for text.

V(ersion) V [CR] displays the software version of the PMS system.